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 AERIAL ACOUSTICS 플래그쉽 스피커 Model 20T V2
 번호 : 414 | ID : | 글쓴이 : fineAV | 조회 : 8746 | 추천 : 389 | 작성일 : 2009-04-22
AERIAL ACOUSTICS, 플래그쉽 스피커「Model 20T V2」를 발매하였습니다.

이전 플래그쉽 모델이었던 Model 20 T의 신모델입니다.

・Updates to the speaker’s woofers and electronic crossover network
・Newly designed long linear excursion woofers feature 3-layer cones consisting of a German Rohacell® core sandwiched between carbon fiber and glass fiber surfaces (ScanSpeak®,)

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